Apr 10, 2024

Morning Assembly


Morning Assembly is the time when the entire school community assembles at an appropriate place to

affirm school’s identity and aspiratons. It is the best forum to inspire and motivate students. It serves as a platform to develop self confidence, acquiring knowledge and information, creativity and a esthetic sense among students. Principal, Vice-Principal, all the teachers and students attend the morning assembly on time. All HMs / AHMs ensure the participation of all their house students in the morning assembly. Under the guidance of Music teacher and Music club the Vidyalaya community song is prayed and recited with proper rhythm and melody. Other activities are conducted house wise (one house for one week and in all three languages, 2 days for each language. Every day MOD is addressing in the morning assembly. PETs, Music teacher and MOD ensure the completion of all activities in time and students leave the assembly to their respective classrooms in an orderly manner. The school band is used at the time of conduct of prayer and during the disposal of students.


Sl. No            Activities         Time in 


01                  Roll call                         2

house wise / class wise

02           Vidyalaya Prayer                3

03           Meditation                           1

04              Pledge                               1

05            Thought for the day          1

06            News reading                    3

07              Student talk /                  3

Vocabulary enrichment / 

Quiz / Book review / 

Recitation / Conversation 

08            Community Song             3

09           Address by the MOD /       2


  10           National Anthem              1

  Total Duration 20 minutes


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