Jul 10, 2023

Nursery Teacher Training / recruitment 2023

 KVS 2023: Recruitment, Notification for Nursery Teacher (NTT) Posts: 

KVS 2023 Recruitment: KVS Recruitment 2023 official notification was released with Nursery Teacher and care taker vacancies by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan on their official website i.e. on https://kvsangathan.nic.in 

नर्सरी शिक्षक भर्ती से संबंधित सभी जानकारी आपको इस पोस्ट में मिलेगी।

केंद्रीय विद्यालय संगठन (केवीएस) ने वर्तमान शैक्षणिक सत्र 2023-24 से चयनित 450 केवी (नीचे दी गई सूची के अनुसार) में बालवाटिका-3 कक्षा (5+ वर्ष की आयु के बच्चों के लिए) का एक सेक्शन शुरू किया है।

इन्ही 450 विद्यालयों में नर्सरी टीचर ( NTT) की भर्ती भी होगी। इन कक्षाओं में बच्चो का एडमिशन, शिक्षकों की भर्ती आदि से संबंधित जानकारी के लिए आप नीचे संबंधित लिंक पर क्लिक करें:

  1. इन 450 विद्यालयों की सूची यहां से डाउनलोड करें: click here

2. Engagement of Teachers & Caregivers (Helpers) : - 

Following modalities shall be
followed for the engagement of teachers on contractual basis and Caregivers (Helpers) for Balvatika-3.
A total of 02 ECCE trained Balvatika Teachers shall be engaged on contractual
basis by each KV.
• The engagement of such teachers on contractual basis shall be made as per the
instructions contained in this office letter dated 08.10.2013 and their remuneration shall be paid as per this office letter dated 21.03.2013 (similar to that of Primary Teachers)

3. Qualification for Balvatika Teachers : 

i. Senior Secondary class (Class XII or its equivalent) from a recognised Board with at least 50% marks and

ii. Diploma in nursery Teacher education /Pre -school Education /Early
Childhood Education Programme (D.E.C.Ed) of duration of not less
than two years or B.Ed (Nursery) from NCTE recognised institutions.

4. Caregiver:

  •  One Caregiver shall be engaged by each of the KV for Balvatika-3.
• Caregivers (helper) shall be engaged through the process of outsourcing.

Qualification for caregiver: 

i. Secondary class (Class X or its equivalent) from a recognised board.

ii. minimum 18 years of age and should have induction training in pre-school Education.


Any person possessing skill training /adequate training as prescribed by NIPCCD, NSDC or any other institution recognised by the central Government/appropriate Government/ Recognised University/ Board.

• Note: Salary for helpers shall be as per the rates applicable for semi-skilled persons.

Nursery Teacher vacancy

 Nursery Teacher Vacancy in KVS across India ( NTT Teacher Vacancy): 

Kendriya vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has started

Jul 8, 2023

HSSC TGT Final cut off

 एचएसएससी टीजीटी अपेक्षित कट ऑफ मार्क्स:

Hssc TgT final cut off released?

चूंकि एचएसएससी टीजीटी परीक्षा 14 मई 2023 को संपन्न होगी, उसके बाद एचएसएससी टीजीटी का DV के लिए रिजल्ट जारी किया जा चुका है। 

उम्मीदवार जो एचएसएससी टीजीटी पदों के लिए उपस्थित हुए हैं, वे नीचे दी गई तालिका में विभिन्न श्रेणियों के लिए अपेक्षित कट ऑफ अंक देख सकते हैं।

Hssc tgt cut off (new) आगे देखें 👇

हमने पहले जो अनुमान लगाया था वो कुछ इस प्रकार था। परंतु अब DV का रिजल्ट जारी होने के बाद हमने अपेक्षित cut off में थोड़ा परिवर्तन किया है। इससे पहले हमारा जो अनुमान था वो इस प्रकार है:

TGT English expected cut off (Old)

Gen : 62 - 64

SC : 51 - 54

BC A : 55 - 57

BC B : 58 - 61

EWS : 60 - 63     

ESM : All will be selected

TGT Science expected cut off (Old)

Gen : 60 - 65

SC : 50 - 54

BC A : 56 - 58

BC B : 58 - 60

EWS : 59 - 63     

ESM : All will be selected

TGT Sanskrit expected cut off (Old)

Gen : 68 - 72

SC : 55 - 59

BC A : 58 - 62

BC B : 62 - 66

EWS : 64 - 68     

ESM : All will be selected

हमने पहले जो अनुमान लगाया था वो ऊपर दिया है। परंतु अब DV का रिजल्ट जारी होने के बाद हमने अपेक्षित cut off में थोड़ा परिवर्तन किया है। नई cut off इस प्रकार है। यह final cut off का idea है। 100 marks में से:

TGT English expected cut off (New)

Gen : 61- 63
SC : 50- 52
BC A : 51- 53
BC B : 55- 57
EWS : 59 - 61     
ESM : All will be selected

TGT Science expected cut off (New)

Gen : 61 - 62
SC : 50 - 53
BC A : 53 - 55
BC B : 57 - 59
EWS : 59 - 60    
ESM : All will be selected

TGT Sanskrit expected cut off (New)

Gen : 65 - 67
SC : 55 - 57
BC A : 57 - 60
BC B : 59 - 62
EWS : 63 - 65     
ESM : All will be selected

TGT SST expected cut off (New)

Gen : 72 - 75
SC : 68 - 70
BC A : 70 - 72
BC B : 70 - 72
EWS : 70 - 72     


TGT Maths expected cut off (New)

Gen : 74 - 77
SC : 70 - 72
BC A : 71 - 72
BC B : 72 - 73
EWS : 73 - 75     

Telegram: टेलीग्राम पर सर्च करें - *hsscwale* और join करें।

HSSC TGT Cut Off 2023 will be released on HSSC official website. Check Category Wise, Subject wise Cut Off Marks and download HSSC TGT Cut Off 2023 PDF, HSSC TGT Merit List in below article Post wise.

HSSC TGT Cut Off 2023, Check Category-Wise Cut-Off Marks!

Important links: 

Jul 7, 2023

Class IX lesson Plan

 Lesson Plans 2023: Subject wise, class wise Unit plans download from here.

Day wise/Period wise lesson plans are provided here. Unit plan relates to all the activities in a Unit are meticulously planned for the teachers to transact in the classroom. The teaching learning activities of the teacher which are presently under use must change to suit the text books that are prepared according to new syllabus.

Resources for Teachers: Lesson Plans, presentations, Question Bank, etc.


*The links provided above are for informational purpose. 

Other important Links 👇

  • Class X Lesson Plan
  • Class IX Maths Lesson Plan
  • Class XI lesson plan
  • Class XII lesson plans
  • free notes pdf download
  • follow us instagram
  • follow us on facebook

Jul 4, 2023


 NCERT Books for Class 1 and Class 2 – Maths, English, Hindi PDF Download

NCERT Class 1 and 2 new Books for Maths, Science, English and Hindi has been available to download on this page. If you do not have access to the hard copies of the class 2nd books, then check out the PDF’s of the books below. The NCERT Books are downloadable for the reference purpose and you can also use them to refer a particular chapter also. The soft copy is beneficial for candidates who cannot afford to buy the books in hardcover or do not have access to hard copy at the moment. Also, teachers, entrance exam aspirants can download the NCERT Books for their reference. You can check the complete list of NCERT Class 2nd Books in the article below. Also you can get answers to all exercises in this book.

NCERT Books for Class 1

  • NCERT Books for Class 1 Maths

  • कक्षा 1 की एनसीईआरटी पुस्तकें हिंदी में
    जो भी छात्र एनसीईआरटी की पुस्तकें का हिन्दी माध्यम प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं वो नीचे दी गई लिंक पर क्लिक कर सकते हैं। 

    NCERT Books for Class 2: 

    NCERT Books for Class 2 Maths

    NCERT Books for Class 2 English

    NCERT Books for Class 2 Hindi

    कक्षा 2 की एनसीईआरटी पुस्तकें हिंदी में
    जो भी छात्र एनसीईआरटी की पुस्तकें का हिन्दी माध्यम प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं वो नीचे दी गई लिंक पर क्लिक कर सकते हैं।